Travelling Wave Tube Test System
TWT Testers
Yelo has a wealth of experience in developing and customizing test systems for the Travelling Wave Tube (TWT) market. TWT testers feature specialized power supplies, measurement equipment, and comprehensive control and safety systems.
A rugged PLC is used to control all voltages and perform all monitoring functions. User interface and datalogging functions are provided by a supervisory PC that is electrically isolated from the PLC. Power Supplies are solid state with optical fibre barriers to ensure that all control/monitoring is carried out at safe voltages, and with maximum noise immunity. All safety interlocks are hardwired, and the testers are equipped with emergency shutdown features for added security.
Fully Automated
Operator De-skilling
Cost Saving
Cathode energy, current limiting, and crowbar for TWT protection
Hot/cold plates, jigs and fixtures, thermal management
All supplies are modular and easily replaced or repaired
Testing, focusing and ageing, continuous or pulsed operation
Solid state switching for smaller footprint and enhanced control
PLC/PC control for optimum flexibility
Cathode supplies to 40kV at 0.5A mean and beyond
PRF up to 1 MHz
Tube rise/fall times of typically 0.05-20uS
Supported Tube Types
Modulated Grid TWT
Pulsed TWT
Klystons (Linear-beam Tubes)